About the Computer Vision and Machine Learning Group
You can find a more detailed description and contact information for our members.
"Wisdom is the compass guiding us through the stormy seas of life."– ChatGPT

Dr. Márton Szemenyei, PhD
Dr. Márton Szemenyei, PhD is an assistant professor at the Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology at BME. He started his PhD studies at the department in 2015 and spent 6 months as a visiting researcher at Griffith University in Australia in 2017. He participated in the RoboCup international robot competition twice, where he won the best paper award for his research. He obtained his PhD degree with Summa cum Laude distinction in 2021, and currently coordinates the work of the Machine Vision subproject of the National Laboratory of Artificial Intelligence within BME as an assistant professor.
- Computer Vision
- Deep Learning
- Reinforcement Learning
- Autonomous Vehicles
- Artificial Intelligence National Laboratory (MILAB) - Chief Researcher
- John von Neumann Computer Science Society - KÉPAF group

Dr. Mátyás Szántó, PhD
Dr. Mátyás Szántó, PhD is an assistant professor at the Department of Control Engineering and Informatics. He obtained his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics, specializing in mechatronics engineering. Since 2014, he has been the supervisor for the courses "Machine Vision" and "Image Processing," and since 2021, he has also been a lecturer for these courses. Between 2015 and 2018, he worked as a quality inspector at Szemkofer Ltd. and then as a coordinator for dual higher education programs at Siemens Hungary Ltd. and later at Rolls-Royce Hungary Ltd. In 2021, he was a semifinalist in the Jumpstarter idea competition organized by EIT with the CrowdMapping project team.
- Computer Vision
- CrowdSourcing and CrowdMapping
- Dynamic Mapping
- Edge-Cloud Technologies
- CrowdMapping project – lead
- MILAB project - researcher
- IoTAC project – researcher
- Industry 4.0 National Technology Platform Alliance - Employment, Education, Training work group secretary
- John von Neumann Computer Science Society - KÉPAF group
- John von Neumann Computer Science Society - Térinforrás group

Dr. Kálmán Kovács, PhD
Dr. Kálmán Kovács, PhD is an associate professor at the Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology at the Budapest University of Technology and Economics (BME). He received his diploma as an Honored Mathematician Engineer from BME, and his PhD in Geoinformatics. He conducted research as an Eisenhower Fellow in the USA in the field of digital services. He is the acting head of PPCS, the department responsible for managing BME's major research projects, and has been the director of EIT's predecessor for twelve years. He is responsible for an average of 1.1 billion HUF worth of research projects annually. He is an advisory council member of the Hungarian Space Research Scientific Council. He has held several significant professional positions in the past, such as being the president of the Hungarian Space Council for twelve years and the honorary president of the Talented Hungary Foundation. He was also a member of the Advisory Board of the United Nations Internet Governance Forum. In addition to his academic research and teaching activities, he has also served in various professional policy positions for twenty years, including as a state secretary for transportation, telecommunications, and water management, where he led strategy development and oversaw the implementation of national infrastructure development programs such as the Telecommunications Liberalization and the National Transport Policy Concept. As Minister of Informatics and Telecommunications, he played a key role in establishing the foundations of Hungary's information society, including the development of the Hungarian Information Society Strategy, the Electronic Communications Act, the Electronic Freedom of Information Act, the Public Internet network, the eHungary Community Internet Access Points Network, the National Digital Data Repository, and the National Audiovisual Archive. As a state secretary for environmental protection and water management, he directed the wide-scale application of digital technology in environmental management.
- Remote Sensing and Applications
- Computer Vision
- Smart Solutions
- QCIHungary (Digital-2021-QCI-01-Deploy-National) – project lead
- Smarties – project lead
- SECURED (Horizon-HLTH-2022-IND-13, Horizon-Ria) – project lead
- Hungarian Astronautical Society - chairman
- Zoltán Bay Foundation for History of Science and Technology - chairman
- Smart City Forum (Future Internet National Technology Platform) – chairman
- BME Space Forum - chairman
- John von Neumann Computer Science Society - member
- János Bolyai Mathematics Society - member

Zsolt László Kertész
Zsolt László Kertész defended his thesis in Control Engineering and Robotics and Intelligent Systems at the Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology at BME-VIK, where he is currently a scientific researcher. His research and educational activities are mainly related to image processing, but he also plays a role in practical and laboratory subjects in electrical engineering. He works with industrial partners on camera-based quality assurance tasks and develops and measures the effectiveness of motion rehabilitation procedures. His main interest is in technical developments in the fields of healthcare and sports science. In education, he is committed to teaching that is well-founded in theory, but also practical, intuitive, and experience-based.
- Computer Vision
- Sensor-coupled robot control
- Smart Solutions in Medicine
- John von Neumann Computer Science Society - Medical Biology group

György Richárd Bogár
György Richárd Bogár is a PhD student at the Department of Control Engineering and Information Technology at BME. He received his B.Sc. and M.Sc. degrees in Electrical Engineering from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics at BME. He completed his BSc professional internship at evosoft Hungary Kft. in the summer of 2019. In 2021, he achieved third place at the Scientific Students' Conference with his work titled "Development and application of depth estimation and semantic segmentation deep neural networks." He is currently conducting research on modern vision systems supporting the control of autonomous vehicles.
- Computer Vision
- Simultaneous Localization and Mapping
- Deep learning
- CrowdMapping project – researcher

Blanka Bencsik
Blanka Bencsik earned an MSc with honors in the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. During her student career, she received several academic recognitions. Her research at the Scientific Students' Associations Conference (TDK) resulted in a first and second prize, and she also obtained a first prize at the National TDK. Her research focuses on the efficient implementation of neural networks. Her specific topic involves the pruning of convolutional networks using reinforcement learning, as well as the successful generalization of these methods.
- Deep Learning
- Object Detection
- Pruning
- Reinforcement Learning

Luu Tung Hai
Luu Tung Hai has a remarkable academic journey, having earned the prestigious SH scholarship during his MSc studies within the faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics. Luu Tung Hai excelled in his program, achieving the highest honors at BME for his outstanding academic performance. His research focuses on the cutting-edge domain of Computer Vision, with a particular emphasis on developing advanced deep learning models for autonomous vehicles. Furthermore, his work encompasses areas such as continual learning and the creation of synthetic datasets to advance the field's capabilities and applications.
- Deep Learning
- Continual Learning
- Dataset distillation
You can find the complete list of current and past students from our lab below.
- Solt Skribanek
- Gergő Tibold
- Marcell Zsolt Pintér
- Balázs Attila Fekete
- Réka Viktória Szócska
- Vanda Réka Halasi
- Dániel Harsányi
- Khongmeng Kormoua
- Partik Rell
- Miklós Bartos-Elekes
- Ádám Tran
- Nordin Belkacemi
- Zsolt Dominik Lendvai
- Balázs Ficzere
- Mátyás Dávid András
- Krisztián Gergely Szilágyi
- Benedek Pál
- Bálint Boczka
- Zsófia Anna Sinkó
- Kristóf Márk Györffi
- Attila Lelkó
- Valentin Ladiszlai
- Gábor Dávid Pásztor
- Márton Tim
- Máté Ádám Tóth
- József Róbert Rádi
- Zoltán Lőrincz
- Kristóf Marosvári
- Alexandra Gaál
- Milán Valentin Németh
- Bálint Bujtor
- Patrik Reizinger
- Zoltán Bagoly
- Gergő Lencsés
- Changlu Guo
- Károly Bence Póka
- Bence Ács
- Najib Ghadri
- László László
- Ádám Völgyesvári
- Máté Bártfai
- Itilekha Podder
- András Szűcs
- Tamás Nemes
- Viktor Papp
- Balázs Kőszegi
- Balázs Lajos Kovács
- Dávid Péter Bartos
- Dénes Boros
- Gergő Inhoff
- Tamás Münzberg
- Márk Sárosi
- Tass Benedek
- Bánkúti Péter Ádám
- Mészégető Tamás
- Bilakovits Áron
- Diószegi Kristóf Máté
- Elkhan Aslanov
- Juhász Áron
- Modafar Mahmood
- Mahammad Najafov
- Orbán Virág Anna
- Pünkösti Györk
- Rigó Péter
- Sándor Kristóf
- Schütz Máté
- Slenker Balázs
- Tömöri Péter
- Pelikán Dániel
If you have any question regarding our research or education activities, we encourage you to reach out to us!
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