Our group's two researchers, György Richárd Bogár and Mátyás Szántó, both presented our research results at the KÉPAF2023 conference held in Gyula between January 24-27, 2023. The symposium was organized by the Image Processing and Pattern Recognition Society of the Neumann János Computer Science Society (NJSZT).
The publications showcase the solutions to comprehensive problems related to several research topics of our group. Mátyás Szántó presented the work titled "Efficient Occlusion Avoidance using Reinforcement Learning", while György Richárd Bogár presented the work titled "Flow-only Visual Odometry: Enhancing Generalization Capabilities of ATDN vSLAM". Szántó Mátyás az Efficient Occlusion Avoidance using Reinforcement Learning, míg Bogár György Richárd a Flow-only Visual Odometry: Enhancing Generalization Capabilities of ATDN vSLAM című munkát mutatta be.