CogMob 2023

At the Cognitive Mobility Conference held between October 19-20, 2023, Zhu Morui, an MSc student in our research group, presented our work titled Investigating Crowdsourced Neural Radiance Maps for Autonomous Vehicles. Investigating Crowdsourced Neural Radiance Maps for Autonomous Vehicles című munkánkat.

In the publication, we introduced the CARLA2NeRF pipeline, capable of generating Neural Radiance Fields (NeRF) from synthesised crowdsourcing data acquisition in the CARLA simulation environment. Through this, it reconstructs a compact, spatial representation of the environment surrounding the data collection agents. The work also encompasses the representation and exploration of the created model using virtual reality tools.

Alongside Morui, Erik Szász (MSc student), Márton Vaitkus, PhD (Assistant Professor, BME IIT), Gábor Sörös, PhD (Nokia Bell Labs), and Mátyás Szántó, PhD, were all involved in the preparation of the publication.

Congratulations to the presenter and the other authors on the successful publication.
